John 1:14: And the word became flesh.
The first words are always from God. Word (logos) is something spoken by living Light was Christ.
Don’t speak darkness but light and good things.
To hear the voice of God you need a father to connect you just like Eli connected Samuel. The voice of God is decoded by the Fathers. Jacob spoke the future of all his sons.
God asked Adam and Eve, Who told you that you were naked? Who told you poverty is your limit?
Flesh is embodiment to cover nakedness of man. God became flesh to cover us and crucified naked to cover our sins.
Prayer Point: Any nakedness in my life be covered in Jesus name.
It’s not by qualifications but by Grace just like Noah’s favour saved him, his family and animals.
The greatest gift you need is covering. Who is your covering?
Jacob said the God of Isaac and my fathers. What you need is the word but any other means. The Lord took Ezekiel into a valley with darkness where there was dry bones. In Ezekiel 37, God told Ezekiel to prophecy for the dry bones to live. In the end times God will pour his spirit on us all no matter your qualifications.
Prayer Point: Prophecy good things over your life.

Let your light shine because glory(light) cannot be hidden. Stop hiding.